View Profile madpol1

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I'm going to be programming my first flash game in a couple of weeks as part of the learning process to program a massive Sim Date I'm producing. This is plenty clear and solves one problem.

Homeless responds:


Nice game.

I found the controls a bit hard to handle, but I'm an old fart.

The humor was good and the animations well done. I'd like to know if you would be interested in creating an erotic fighting minigame and programming the sim date it inerlocks with. No pay, but because of the group's RL starpower, big fame to cash in on.

If you're interested contact me at: Madpol1@yahoo plus the dot com thing, for more info.

bahamonStudios responds:

Thanks for the review, about the game, let me talk to my partner about it, we will send you feedback. thanks for the offer

Is this your own work?

Or did you just post it on NG because they ask people to add it to their websites? You know, kinda like not breaking a chain letter? Thee animation, what there was of it was really well done.

In any case, I don't have a problem with cyber spirituality. What better place to work with the Element of Void than somewhere where existence is less than Illusion, but only a convention?

In fact, there are studies showing that people playing non fighting video games have the same alpha rhythms that show up during meditation.

Armegalo responds:

Well, it's not a chain letter...
And yes, all my own

Simple to play, hard to make

I can't even begin to imagine how you set up the control codes to adjust for camera angles, but it worked. The animated figure was pretty basic, but moved smoothy and looked like a human instead of a stick figure. The Jeopardy style light jazz really help[ed set the tone.

Altogether a real nice job.

Jiggmin responds:

Eh, I used movie clips to avoid most of the math. ;)

As an Expert....

...On boredom. I really appreciate a game like this to alleviate it, if only briefly.

But mostly you got a 10 and a 5\5 because the stats page was hilarious!

Mr-manson69 responds:

Hehe, thankyou oh great bored one. And it is meant to only be a short boredom reliever. Thanks for the score =D.

you're right

Even incomplete and buggy. it's a lot better than most of what's being submitted.

I can understand your reasons for not finishing, a lot of work to duplicate an existing game isn't all that exciting a prospect.

Anyway, you seem to have a good sized body of work on NG, and now I know that it's worth a look.

RedactedProfile responds:

that..wasn;t the reason. This project was busting with ambition, the reason it wasn't complete was the fact the FLA was lost when my harddrive got accidently reformatted. Lame overused excuse i know, but that is what happened.

..ya, was being retarded and selected the wrong partition to reintsall windows too...

Alot of my other crap is probably not worth your time, lol, but hey, who knows, theres a few gems in there i think.

I've got way too much time on my hands. And I'm not afraid to use it.

Age 71, Male




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